Airports for future

Airports present us with a vision of the future.
As our planet gets smaller at an unprecedented rate, we are witnessing immense changes.
Today, it’s important to be able to foresee the future shaped by these changes. We now know that our choices today will shape the planet for future generations.


Global Airport Operations Industry – 2013

Globally, total number of passengers reached 6.3 billion with an increase of 4.6% compared to the previous year. Domestic passenger traffic increased by 3.3% and international traffic rose by 5.5%, fuelling growth. Global aircraft traffic reached 82 million, with a 0.6% increase. All around the world, 65% of airports witnessed an increase in the number of passengers served, with an average growth rate of 7%. Remaining 35% of airports witnessed an average 4.5% decrease in passenger traffic.
*ACI World statistics

Aviation Industry in Turkey – 2013

Total number of passengers at 51


reached 149 million 995 thousand, which represents a 14.5% increase.

Istanbul Ataturk is the fastest growing


in its category across Europe, with a 13.6% increase in passenger traffic.

The State Airports Authority


expects an 11% increase in passenger traffic.

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